Thursday, December 13, 2007

A Reflection for Today

I was reviewing my family website where my family and I communicate with one another news, updates, events, reminders, etc. It is such a great tool to keep in touch with one another and to openly express our feelings. And I came across a dedication to a family friend who passed last year. He was such a content man and it was his time, at a young age. And I just wanted to share what was on my heart to my family and in dedication to the man that was always so full of joy and love whenever you were around him! Below you will see the dedication to Stanley. He encouraged me and inspired me to share this and I pray that it blesses you as you reflect on today and God's plans for your life.

You Are Not Promised Stanley King

My heart is in so much joy right now because God is so good. His love is unconditional and that can never be taken away. I prayed before putting this out. I am merely speaking from my heart and sharing with you God's promise [Love]. Stanley has always expressed love through his actions, through his words, and through his heart. He is the reason I share this with you. With that being said, after hearing about Stanley, my heart feels and expresses the following:

We live day to day expecting more than what we have been blessed with.

We hurt when something and/or someone hurts us.

We cry tears of joy when something wonderful happens.

We help each other during times of need.

We weep sadness when we lose those we love.

We work hard to get the things we desire in life.

We live our lives according to the world's way of functioning.

We celebrate weddings, graduations, anniversaries, births, and holidays.

We show our love for loved ones through our daily actions.

We are happy when someone praises us for something good we have done.

We sacrifice to make sure our families are provided for.

We dream of the kingdom of heaven and imagine ourselves living the kingdom of heaven.

We give our hearts, time, and selves to those we love.

We make a living using the skills we have been blessed with.

We live each day endulging in routines that we are conditioned to.

We live conformed to the things of this world.

What if He told you that your today is your final day here on earth?

How do we live and create our own kingdom of heaven while we are here on earth?

Love is the answer. Love is the only way.
Because we are not promised tomorrow, our only answer is to live for today.
Nothing in the past matters. The future is irrelevant.
The present is what matters most because we are not promised tomorrow.
Love is the answer. Love is the only way.
Because love lives in all of us, heaven on earth is possible.
The things of this world are just things.
The reality of this world is not of God.
The present is what matters most because we are not promised tomorrow.
Because God is Love and Love lives in us, then we are of God.
God created us in His own image. God is Love and we are of God.
The present is what matters most because we are not promised tomorrow.
Because the truth is that Love endures all things,
thus we are to live every day in Love.

We are not bound to the things of this world if we choose Love [God].
The present is what matters most because we are not promised tomorrow.
The only way to live for today is in Love.
Why care about tomorrow when God's promise lives today?

God's promise says,
"I love you unconditionally just the way you are.
I am always here loving you. Open your heart to me and my love.
I will show you the way. I am the answer because I am love.
The truth is in You. I, the Father, am in You.
Remember this truth.
Live this truth and you shall witness my promise to you."

What will you choose today? Because you are not promised tomorrow.

I love you all unconditionally and thank God for you.

Dedicated to Stanley are Love
Always loving you- - April

Thursday, November 8, 2007

If I Didn't Have Him...

Greetings and Happy November!

Well October has passed by and I missed doing a journal entry. So to catch up: I'll post two for the month of November. And it's the Thanksgiving holiday that is coming up. My favorite holiday: giving thanks and expressing our thanks to our heavenly father!

One topic that stays on my mind is, "Where would I be if I didn't have Him?"

I have thought about this topic a lot. The reason being is that there are times where I want to revert back to the things and cares of the world. I think about the old life I was living and how it "appeared" to be easier. It is what I knew and it is what I was comfortable with. And now that I am surrendering myself (working on surrendering my entire being) to Him, it is becoming harder and harder to manage. But I don't want to go back to that life. I am reminded that that life (the old life I was living) profited me nothing! I am reminded that that life did not include God completely. It is a reminder that will forever be attached to my heart.

If I continued with the lifestyle I was living three, four years ago: then I am sure I would not be receiving the blessings I have received since turning my life over to Christ. So I ask you this chilly afternoon, "Where would you be if you didn't have God?"

(1) Would you be still living in pain, struggling with life?

(2) Would you still be in the relationship that you are in?

(3) Would you love any less than the love God expects of us?

(4) Would you still hold on to selfish behaviors that benefit no one, not even you?

**Where would you be if you didn't have God?**

I challenge you to reflect on this as you go through the rest of your day and week.

Let me know your thoughts. Let's share with each other!

"I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of Life." - -John 8:12 Jesus speaking to scribes and Pharisees.

If we did not have Him, we would continuously walk in darkness, with no light to guide our paths. He is the light and He will bring us up out of darkness. He desires to save us from the things of this world that are toxic to our spirits. God is a God of Promise. Jesus is the way, the truth and the Life.

"Yes, I know this. And yet I still struggle with Life," you may say. He is here for us and He is with us. We just need to be obedient on a consistent basis, study His word, and listen to Him.

We must wait patiently on Him.

The struggle is so prevalent that we can easily miss what God is trying to tell us. If I did not listen to God back in May, I would have gone down a path of selfish desires, wants, and needs. Instead of following my own desires, I decided to risk all of my fleshly desires and follow God's plan for me: the plan that He has already purposed for me to live.

Are you following your way instead of God's way? If you are, then think about where you may end up if you don't have Him with you. Is it (your fleshly desires) worth ignoring God's desires for your heart? Who says you can't prosper if you follow God's lead? God is with us- always.

And if we don't recognize His presence, then we are but mere castaways drift at sea.

"Most assuredly I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin." - - John 8:34
(Jesus speaking to the Jews)

I would be living a life FULL of sin and EMPTY of God! This is where I would be if I didn't have Him. We are all sinners. But God says we don't have to stay this way. For Christ died for all our sins and we have the free choice to repent, ask for forgiveness, and die to self so that we may be new creatures in Christ! Wow, man that is so powerful! Do you feel that? That is the Holy Spirit convicting you.

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." - - John 6:63 (Jesus speaking to His disciples)

Jesus says that "the flesh profits nothing." Sure we may feel good temporarily, but it is nothing compared to the Spirit that comes to help us, to comfort us, and to give us abiding peace. We are convicted in those things that are not of God. And God wants to use us, as victorious believers, so that we may have life more abundantly and help Him to win souls! This is what God desires.

Are you ready to take on this powerful task that He has laid before us as His servants?

Are you read to lay down your life for God? He has already done it for us!

God is a God of unconditional love. His mercy is full of greatness and He never fails. So why ignore Him when He is waiting at the doorstep, to be invited in to your heart for eternity?

If I didn't have Him, I'd be nothing.

Thank God I have Him and thank God He keeps me!

Pray. Love.

Pray: that God works on your heart as you work on building your relationship with Him.

Love: God with all your heart so that you may love His people the way Christ loved us and gave
Himself up for us.

Pray. Love. Pray. Love.

Prayer is powerful. Prayer changes you. Prayer never fails!

Love is priceless. Love softens the heart. Love never dies!

Pray. Love. Pray, love, so that He will be with you always!

Love & Many Blessings,

- - ats

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I Choose...

Good evening! I hope your week has been going well! It is almost time for the Fall. Are you ready for a new season? I sure am. Time to start breaking out the warmer clothing as we begin to put away the summer wardrobe. And time to get re-organized as we prepare for those grand holidays coming our way. I was cleaning clutter out of my room this morning and I came across a poem I had written a year ago and I thought I would share it with you.
It is called "I Choose..."

Think about the free will God has mercifully provided us to make choices as you read this:

I Choose:
The world tries hard to suck me in
"No!" I say, "I won't give in."
I choose to live the way I've been purposed to live;
living to love. My heart yearns to give.

This world is not mine.
The presence of Death, Violence, and Sickness is a sign.
I choose life, because God is life.
The world is wrong. God is always right.

The answer is Love. This is the only way.
If we have not love, then one day we will pay-
a heavy price that will result in tears and pain.
I choose God, because He'll never let it rain.

I am happy because I choose to love me.
Once you choose love, your heart is always free.
The dreams of this world are not mine, nor are they yours.
Learn to break free from this path, and choose another course.

My personal dream is heaven on earth.
The Father in me is all I am worth.
I choose love. It is the truth and the way...
to live God's promise today and every day.

May God bless you, keep you, and strengthen you...

Love & Many Blessings,
Written 8/12/06

Saturday, August 25, 2007

It's Time...(NOW)

Greetings and Blessings!

Well it's been a while since I last posted to GEMS for Women. And I have been waiting for the right time to post what is on my heart. And today, after trying to get a hold of my younger brother on the phone: I had this thought in my mind that would just not go away. And so I shared it with loved ones (we have a family website and we are able to post news, so I posted this message below on the family website). Then I thought to myself, I should post this on the GEMS for Women site. And the title of this message is "It's Time...(NOW)." You'll see why as you read these thoughts that came to mind earlier this afternoon. It's time for a new beginning. And the church that I attend is called New Beginnings Fellowship. Of course, their vision (Desiring a new beginning) has inspired me to record the thoughts I was having this afternoon. And it is my prayer that you take the words that are shared in this message to heart as you read it and even after you read it. God is talking with me every day now and I am having a hard time keeping up with what He would like me to share with His people. I ask for your patience as I obediently spread the message that His love is the only way. Let's do it God's way family! Enjoy the message...

It's time for us to help one another and love one another as Christ loves the church.

It's time for the pain and the hurt to cease.

It's time for the communication to flow freely out of our mouths as we express love for one another.

It's time for us to celebrate the blessings that all of us have been given from God above.

It's time to lay our resentment, our frustrations, and our anger aside.

It's time for us to make mends with broken relationships.It's time to forgive and love our enemies.

It's time to pay tribute to the one who blesses us with His glory.

It's time to slow down and enjoy the small things (life, love, health, all created by Him).

It's time to stop identifying ourselves as Victims and start living as Victors!

It's time to give in to God (surrender ourselves, our entire being to Him) and let Him take control of our lives.

It's time to be humble and give up those selfish thoughts that are plaguing ourselves and our loved ones.

It's time to be free of anxiety, frustration, and the bondage of fear!

It's time to detoxify ourselves of PRIDE and cleanse ourselves with the pure heart that has already been implanted within us.

It's time to embrace the ones you love.

It's time to remember who you are and where you came from.

It's time to give of yourself, and stop taking from others.

It's time to come together as a community and stand against the evils that threaten to destroy us.

It's time to sacrifice ourselves just as Christ sacrificed His life for us.

It's time to put on the armor of love and protest the hate that satan uses as a weapon to kill, steal, and destroy.

It's time to break the strongholds that have been weighing us down emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

It's time to release all the pain and suffering we are carrying from our past.

It's time to ask God to strengthen us in our present sufferings.

It's time to stand after you've done all you can in the midst of the trials.

It's time to get on our knees, and say, "No more of this battle. I choose God."

It's time to laugh and have fun, even when we are hurting.

It's time to smile because we are still here- living, breathing, and able to enjoy Life.

It's time to touch somebody because everybody needs to know that they're loved.

It's time to wise up and don't give up. God is always here!

It's time for a new beginning.


The time is now. What are we waiting for?

God is ready and able. Are we willing to surrender to His leadership so that we can win the battle that satan has already begun?

The time is now. What do we have to lose?

We have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

It's time for a new beginning.The time is now. So start now.

God is waiting for you to let Him in.

If you desire to change your current circumstances, then you must let go of the past, let go of the fear, and let go of being "comfortable" in your own suffering.

God desires for us to inherit all the blessings that He has stored for us.

All we have to do is be obedient and faithful.

This is why it's time for a new beginning...there is no time like the present.

Don't wait until it's too late. Stop putting it off.

We desire to be happy and live in peace.

This is our human nature and it is what God designed for us.

*This is just to encourage all of us to begin a new path that leads us on a journey where Love, Life, and Peace are eternal. We choose to stay in the same boat that we are in.

And God says, "Step out on faith and watch my works."

The only thing that is holding us back is US.

I don't know about you, but I am ready for a new beginning. And it's time NOW to start!

--Loving you eternally, and praying for God's strength!


Friday, July 6, 2007

Sleepless Yet Productive

It is 12:47 am. I just finished working on sending some e-mails out regarding tasks for church. New Beginning Fellowship (NBF) has come into my life at just the right time. I always say, "God is right on time, isn't he?"

As I lay here, still excited about the Women of Worth (W.O.W.) ministry, I realize that this is just the beginning. God has already mapped it out. We cannot see it, and He wants us to remain faithful, even though His plans are not tangible. That is powerful! Therefore, I cannot sleep. So I decided to be productive and pull up the blog God has encouraged me to use as one of His tools to reach out to women after His own heart!

I am reading Joyce Meyer's book, Knowing God Intimately, for the second time. And I am learning to increase my faith in God, to trust Him completely, and let Him do His wonders.

One subtitle in her book has caught my attention:

"You cannot win your battles without God's help."

2 Chronicles 20:15 says, "The Lord says this to you: Be not afraid or dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's."

And then Joyce goes on to say the following:

"The Amplified Bible gives a definition of faith in Colossians 1:4 that I really love. It says that faith in Jesus is 'the leaning of your entire personality on Him in absolute trust and confidence in His power, wisdom, and goodness.'" These are just some of the many inspirational messages God uses Joyce to share with us in this book. I am so inspired, inspired by God's on-time messages. He wants us to lean entirely on Him. We cannot journey through this world under our own power. It simply is not possible. We have our own plans, yet God mandates that we follow His plans. He already has the plans for us, plans to prosper us, and His promises are guaranteed.

For so long, I was afraid to express myself. My heart was willing, and my flesh was weak. I was afraid that people would not accept me if I voiced my feelings, thoughts, and ideas. And years later, after college, I finally got the message from God. And that message was, "April, I accept you and that is all that matters." God told me to put my trust in Him and not into people. He will never disappoint me. He will never hurt me. And it took me a long time to receive this message. And here I am, expressing what I believe God has put on my heart to share with other women (young and old). I once was afraid, and now I see that I don't have to be. God is behind me, beside me, and within me. This blog encourages me to grow stronger in seeking God's purpose for my life, and empowers me to empower others through His power. What a blessing!

This late morning: I encourage you to stop being afraid of those things that are causing you turmoil. Stop letting fear interfere with God's plans for you. "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into ministry." - 1 Timothy 1:12. God is faithful and just, step out on faith. God is doing a new thing for us as we diligently seek Him. The plans He has for your life are already planned. All you have to do is grab hold of faith and embrace His promise. We have been given freedom to choose His way or our way. He will not let you down. Though you may stumble, He will always be there to keep you on the path of righteousness.

What are you afraid of? Pray. Trust. Believe. Pray. Trust. Believe. God will handle your needs. Don't continue to hide in fear. He is ready for you to step out boldly, willingly, and favorably.
The choice is yours. Don't delay. Be faithful and do it God's way!

May you faithfully lean on God for all your needs.
Best wishes and many blessings,

**Until next time...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Welcome to GEMS for Women After God's Own Heart!

Welcome! Please join me as we work to fulfill God's purpose for our lives and please feel free to comment, if your heart desires.

GEMS stands for Growing, Educating/Empowering/Encouraging, Motivating, Support for women desiring God's love and seeking a closer relationship with Him. I encourage you to walk with me as we begin the journey of listening to God for guidance, growing to become more intimate with God, and ediying each other as women of God.

May this blog encourage you, empower you, and inspire you as you begin this new journey!

Love & Many Blessings,


Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies! -- Proverbs 31:10

This past Saturday (June 30, 2007), the last day of the month of June, I had the honor and opportunity to participate in a wonderful women's ministry that has blessed my life in more ways than I can ever imagine! God is amazing in His love, in His grace, and I am ever grateful for all that He has created for us and through us.

June 30, 2007 was a day filled with love, power, and excitement! The W.O.W. power breakfast began at 9:00 am. W.O.W. stands for Women Of Worth. This is a ministry that Sister Kim Brown (loving wife of Pastor Anthony Brown- New Beginnings Fellowship) began through God's guidance and wisdom. The W.O.W. ministry was created to encourage women, of all backgrounds, to be empowered by God's power. This is powerful and this ministry is anointed by God to do His wonders for women seeking God's love and desiring to fulfill His purpose for their lives. The scripture used for this ministry is taken from Proverbs 31:10.

We had over 15 women attend the power breakfast at Shady Maple restaurant in East Earl, PA (Lancaster County). The power breakfast provided the opportunity for women of worth to meet other women of worth, to share the vision for W.O.W., and to encourage women to participate in our ministry.

We had activities, prizes, and gifts for each woman who attended! Each woman was given a journal to brng to the W.O.W. ministry sessions and to record any reflections, thoughts, and prayers. We had a wonderful time and thank God for the opportunity for us to get together and fellowship. Women's lives were transformed and God's presence was clearly evidenced by testimonies shared with women at the breakfast! I was deeply touched by the women present at this gathering, and by God's presence. My heart has increased with the desire for God's unchanging heart. I am still on a spiritual high from this power breakfast and this is just the beginning of what this ministry is doing for women of worth!

I am thankful to have had the opportunity to experience this power-filled, inspiring breakfast. Many thanks to you God for spreading the vision of women of worth through Sister Kim that morning.

I am looking forward to resuming the W.O.W. Ministry sessions and praise God for His on-time message during the power breakfast!

Here are a few scriptures that have been on my heart. Feel free to record them on cards and put it in a visual place to remind you that God is with you always and He promises to give you the desires of your heart. All you have to do is ask, believe, and have faith!

(1) And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
- - Romans 12:2

(2) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.
- - Galatians 5:22

(3) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. - - Colossians 3:16

**Until next time. Best wishes & Many Blessings,
